ThetaHealing Technique

ThetaHealing Technique - UniQuely Northern

Change Your Life and Live an Inspired Life With Michele as Your ThetaHealing Practitioner

ThetaHealing is a well-known healing technique that combines meditation and spirituality to heal your mind, body and spirit. This healing is achieved through establishing a connection with the Creator Of All That Is.

Founded by Vianna Stibal, the ThetaHealing technique heals the inside and outside of the body by clearing limiting beliefs and instead living a positive lifestyle.

Michele Guy Syne, P.E., P. Eng., C.Ht. is one of over half a million ThetaHealing Practitioners around the world who help clients heal and unlock better lives through the power of the pure essence of love. What sets Michele apart from other ThetaHealing Practitioners is her unique approach to offering a holistic healing experience that allows her clients to truly Live an Inspired Life. Michele is well versed in ThetaHealing and other powerful healing techniques such as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and her proprietary Hybrid-Hypnosis™.

ThetaHealing Practitioners like Michele have been trained to use focused thoughts, prayers and intentions to help clients connect to the Seventh Plane of Existence, where all miracles and healing are unlocked. Michele will help you create your ideal reality where you accomplish and sustain all the positive changes in your life you have been waiting and hoping for.

By working with Michele as your ThetaHealing Practitioner, you will unlock:

  • Manifestation of the life you want and deserve
  • Discovery of your beliefs and where they come from
  • Understanding of your soulmate connections

How ThetaHealing Improves Your Life

Live A Lifestyle of Positivity

ThetaHealing helps you live an empowered lifestyle where you break free from negative beliefs and embrace gratitude for all things positive in your daily life. When unlocking the best version of yourself, you learn to appreciate the virtues of your actions.

Create Your Own Ideal Reality

By reprogramming your subconscious mind with unconditional love, you can create your own reality where success and never-ending happiness become yours. ThetaHealing unlocks the mental blocks that are harmful to your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.

Improve Your Emotional And Physical Health

The ThetaHealing technique awakens your spiritual DNA to help you change historical, genetic, and soul-belief life patterns that hold you back. Reveal your own potential while releasing stress and illnesses, and replacing them with positive emotions and healthy habits.

How Michele Has Helped Others

A few weeks ago you gave me a session on the topic of being late. It was a small issue. During the session I saw the connection to the belief, “I can’t have what I want”. We changed the belief to “I can have exactly what I want.


Well after that session, things have changed for me. I had been magnetizing that I wanted 6 client sessions a week, but nothing was happening. (Before our session I had maybe 1‐2 client appts a week.) Afterwards I have had at least 6 client appointments each week. Treating this small issue changed a belief that was maybe the last keystone in a wall that was ready to crumble. Who knows?

Hypno Therapist Michele Guy Syne
Madeleine L.

I didn’t really know what to expect at first, and I had in mind people being totally controlled and doing things against their will. So I have to admit I was intrigued, if not a little scared.


Michele reassured me and explained to me how the session was going to happen. She was very respectful and attentive to my needs and well-being. I, then, stayed conscious (though relaxed) the whole time, while the unconscious part of my brain was doing all the internal work. And what a work! Just follow the voice, it can transform a life, if you allow it to: it brought my sparkle back!


Thanks Michele!

Hypnotherapy Online
Aude M.

Thank you, Michele. This has been so very helpful and I have been using “I love you …” several times already and it is making a difference. So grateful to have been in that session with you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to work to help others heal.

Have an incredible week.

Peace and all good.

Hypnosis Therapy Carefree Arizona

Ready To Book A ThetaHealing Session?

Join Michele for a ThetaHealing session to create your own reality, unlock healing, and Live an Inspired Life today!


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