Book a Hybrid Hypnosis ™ Session

Book an Intake Session

Begin your journey towards Release with Michele with an introduction to her proprietary Hybrid-Hypnosis™. This interactive 2-hour session will help you uncover and overcome the conscious and subconscious emotions which may be keeping you from being the best version of yourself.

Book a 1-on-1 Session

If you have already completed an intake session and you wish to book more Hybrid-Hypnosis™ sessions with Michele, please use this Button.

Book a ThetaHealing Session

ThetaHealing is a powerful healing technique that heals the mind, body, and spirit. Michele will guide you toward the ideal reality you have always imagined – a life where you achieve and maintain your goals, hopes, and dreams. 

Book a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Session

This powerful and effective healing session will allow you to access a state of mind where you can heal emotionally, mentally, and physically. Your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions are done at our office in Carefree, Arizona. Please allow 5 hours for our time together, however, sessions can take anywhere between 3-1/2 to 6 hours. Note that the quality of the session is not related to the length of time we spend together.

Dress comfortably. Eat before you arrive.

IMPORTANT: Please bring a list of questions you would like to ask your subconscious mind. Any questions at all, about health, life purpose, relationships…anything.

Our office is an allergy-free zone. Please resist the temptation to wear colognes, perfumes or products with strong smells. Thank you so much! 



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