Online – February 3rd Workshop: DREAM BIG DREAMS! 4 Simple Steps and Tools for Creating your Dream Life

A Workshop for the Brave of Heart

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A Workshop for the Brave of Heart DREAM BIG DREAMS!

We did not come on to this Earth to struggle and suffer.

We came here to live a life of Joy and Adventure.

We are here to touch, feel and experience Bliss.

We are here to dance, play and have fun!


So why is this so difficult for some of us to find our Joy and to live the lives of our Dreams? There are many reasons! And these are unique to each individual. We may have experienced trauma, challenging relationships, accidents, loss, and so much more. And these things happen to most all of us.

Attend this Online Workshop with Michele and learn how to release the pain from these challenging situations and heal the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual trauma so that you can live a life you love and live it powerfully.

Bring your dreams to the workshop in February, and learn the tools you need to be able to realize this.


During this Workshop Learn the Following: 

  • 4 Simple Steps and Tools for Creating the Life You Want to Be Living
  • How to release the emotional pain behind trauma, PTSD, addictions, fears, phobias, and anxiety which keep you from living the life of your dreams.  
  • How to make lasting shifts in your perspective, which opens up more possibilities for expanding your dreams. 
  • How to change your perspective and change your life, and the lives of all of those around you.


The subconscious mind is a miracle worker. Letting go of what does not serve you opens you up to a new world of possibilities. Come and experience the power of these workshops for yourself!


REGISTER NOW for this 2-hour workshop session led by one of Arizona’s top hypnotherapists, Michele Guy Syne, P.E., P. Eng., C.Ht., of Uniquely Northern. During the workshop you’ll be introduced to Michele’s proprietary Hybrid-HypnosisTM and how this technique can quickly and easily remove limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior which no longer serve you.


This is an Interactive format: Bring your questions and intentions.


Register to secure your spot: You will benefit from the power of working in a group setting. This Workshop is for those of you around the country who are not able to attend in person. 



DATE: Saturday, February 3, 2024

TIME:  2:00 – 4:00 pm MT (GMT -7)

LOCATION: Online –

COST: Donation Based* with a minimum donation of $45.00 (tax-deductible)






*DONATIONS: Donations go to the Seven Sisters Holistic Healing Institute. The Seven Sisters Institute opens up a world of possibilities for both local and international humanitarian causes which restore and heal the natural environment, and empowers and heals people while creating community in Truth, Joy and Love.


Seven Sisters Holistic Healing Institute
Seven Sisters Holistic Healing Institute


The Seven Sisters Institute is a 508(c)(1)(a) nonprofit organization and will provide you with a confirmation letter upon registration which you can submit to your tax consultant for deductions. We are so proud to support this small Nonprofit which is making such a big impact. Follow their work at



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