In-Person – NOT TO DECIDE, IS TO DECIDE: Eight Weeks of Quantum Reality Creation – March 26th through May 14th



Eight Weeks of Quantum Reality Creation

 An In-Person Group Program

Your Eight Weeks to Creating Reality - An In-Person Group Program


Not to Decide, is to Decide! And the beautiful thing is that once you do decide, then everything begins to fall into place. The Universe is conspiring for your success, so you simply have to tell it what you want.

I am passionate about having fun and living the life of my Dreams. And I am passionate about showing you how to do the same.


‘Who Knew Healing Could be So Fun!!’


Just last week a client emailed me to say, ‘Who knew healing could be so fun!!’ That just made my day. That is my goal. We should all be having fun all of the time, regardless of what is going on around us.


‘Life is either an Exciting Adventure, or Nothing at all.’ 

Hellen Keller


80% of success in life is just showing up. And when you learn the tools, and let go of the emotional challenges,

you are free to step up to the next level.


And maybe your life is great right now. However, could it be even better? YESSS!!! Life is a continuous journey of  growth and discovery.

There will always be more goals and dreams to realize!




Remember that it is the Journey, not the Destination, and Join us on this Journey.



You create everything that happens TO you. So why not create what you actually want?!

AND what is beautiful about this is that there are NO LIMITS to what is possible for you!

Learn how to make life happen FOR you!

What is it costing you to stay where you are? What is the cost of inaction?

It hurts my heart when you say that you are struggling in some area of your life:

  • Are you a high performer in your business, work or career, and yet you feel like you are driving with your foot on the brake pedal?
  • Are you living in fear of the unknown?
  • Are you focusing on what you do not want, rather than what you do want?
  • Do you yearn for a life that now seems only like an unattainable dream?
  • Do you suffer from anxiety and stress?
  • Do you relax with a glass of wine each night to release the pain, rather than working out, taking a walk, or reading a good book?
  • Do you have persistent, unexplainable health issues?
  • Have you ever dreamt of living life at a higher level?
  • Do you dwell on past traumas which keep you in a cycle of pain, and self-sabotage?
  • Are you struggling with your finances.
  • Do you know deep down that there is more to life and yet you do not know how to get there?
  • Do you miss the powerful connections that you lost because of the lockdowns in 2020.
  • Do you crave authentic connections with your fellow human beings?


If any of these, or something else resonates with you and is keeping you from being completely excited about the future,

then Join Us, and learn how to get back in the game of living an exciting life, full of potential and possibilities.

‘The possibilities are infinite!’


Your dreams and your desires are showing you what is possible. And the possibilities are Infinite. We simply have to learn how to get out of our own ways and let the Universe do its work.


Spend eight weeks with me, and 11 other wonderful souls, to learn how to realize your dreams:

how you will think, and the actions you will take in order to recognize your full potential as a true Warrior, and Spiritual Being.

From there on, I promise you that your life will unfold with Grace and Ease. 


During this eight-week journey we will expand together through:

Authentic and Intuitive Connections, Reading, Self-Hypnosis, Hybrid-HypnosisTM Emotional Releases, Guided Meditations, the Power of Intention, Powerful Tools, Meditations, Journaling, Sharing, and so much more…


Here are some more details you will want to know:

  • Your Program donation is $444.44.
  • We will meet each Tuesday from 6-8 pm for eight consecutive weeks starting March 26th through May 14th.
  • We will meet at my home in Cave Creek.
  • Included in the Program will be a copy of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention, or Ask And It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
  • Included in the Program will be a Journal for you to write your dreams, desires, insights, and take notes on the tools you will learn, and use as you move forward.
  • BONUS: If you are unable to participate for a week, or two… no worries! I will prepare a summary recording, with an ‘Emotional Release’, for everyone after each session. I suggest that you listen to these often. 


Not to Decide is to Decide! 

Take the first step, and decide NOW to go after what it is that you want. You don’t have to see the whole way to your destination.

All it takes is the first step. 

The power of working in a group cannot be overstated. What we will achieve together will astonish you.

And furthermore, we will develop life-long connections, bonds, and friendships. 


Be open to trusting, sharing and allowing your Spirit to soar! I am so excited for you, for me and for everyone who joins us on this Journey.


Secure your spot today, and then start formulating what it is that you want to achieve during the Program, and Beyond. 



I know that these Eight Weeks will forever change the way you live your life. They will forever change your reality.


Eight Weeks of Quantum Reality Creation 

DATES: March 26th through May 14th.

TIME:  6-8 pm MT 

LOCATION:  Cave Creek, AZ

We will email you directions with your registration packet!

UniQuely NorthernLive an Inspired Life!™
Michele Guy Syne, P.E., P. Eng., C.Ht.
UniQuely Northern


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