3 Simple Tools To Improve Your Quality of Life

Every thought counts. There are no neutral thoughts. What you think is either moving in the direction of your goals, and dreams, or away from them. Here are 3 simple, yet powerful tools to ensure that your state of mind, your thoughts, and feelings are programmed to have you be who you want to be, and do the things you want to do, in order to get you to where you want to go.

1. SELF HYPNOSIS: Blue, Blue, Blue: You will say the word BLUE three times. Each time you say BLUE you will give yourself a different assignment. With the first BLUE, you close your eyes. With the second BLUE you give yourself ‘suggestions’, and with the third BLUE you come back to room awareness. ‘Suggestions’ in Hypnosis are positive statements you make to reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve a desired behavior, or state, such as “I am safe. I trust. I am loved. My life is truly blessed. I am at peace with everyone. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am wise.”

2. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT: First we think a thought. As a result of that thought, we feel a feeling. Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches that how we think, and how we feel creates our actions, and our outcomes. Our mind is like a garden. The seeds we plant will grow. When we think nice thoughts, we feel content or happy. When you think scary thoughts, you feel afraid. I challenge you to be conscious of the thoughts you think throughout your day. “Man is what he thinks about all day long.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. HO’OPONOPONO: Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian Healing method that allows you to reclaim your power from negative memories, and thoughts. If you have a painful emotion, or memory that you would like to release, close your eyes and explore all the emotions, feelings, and thoughts that come up when you think of this memory. Think of where else in your life these thoughts and emotions come up for you. Then when you are ready say the following words to yourself. “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” Say these emotions over, and over until you feel the emotions release. You should have no more negative feelings when you recall this memory.

Remember…every thought counts. So start thinking like the person you want to be…today! Mahsi Cho

More About Michele Guy Syne

Michele Guy Syne UniQuely Northern Headshot

Michele Guy Syne, P.E., P.Eng., C.Ht., owner of UniQuely Northern, uses the power of the subconscious mind with a hybrid-hypnosis to quickly, and gently release stress, anxiety, painful memories, and emotional trauma to free you up to live your life powerfully, and live a life you Love. Michele does sessions in person, and via Zoom from her office in Carefree.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 480-652-6698


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