
Video Testimonials




Aude Monson

Written Testimonials

I have known Michele for 6 years. She is an inspiration to me in every aspect of my life. Being a part of her UniQuely Northern eight week adventure, along with the wonderful people in that group, has made a major, positive impact on me.

The time spent and the insight/knowledge gained in her group sessions over the past eight weeks in Michele’s own words, “is imprinted on my soul for all times.” Because of Michele’s Spiritual guidance I will, for the rest of my life, believe in the quantum theory of living in the moment, believing in and forgiving myself, and believing that the vision I have of my life can and will come about.

For this knowledge and inspiration, I will be forever grateful to Michele.

Individual Memberships

Negative self-talk and disempowering beliefs were causing me to feel hurt, sad, and angry. Through Michele’s guidance with journaling exercises, various meditations and a mantra (Ho’oponopono), I learned to reframe these old beliefs. These practices have led me to feelings of true serenity, empowerment, and self-love. Michele is an excellent, thoughtful, and enthusiastic instructor and life-coach. She is passionate about helping her friends / students / clients to realize their biggest dreams and live their best lives. What an impact she has made to my life! I am so grateful. Thank you, Michele, for sharing and caring. ❤️


I took Michele’s 8 week “Quantum Reality Creation” class and it was exactly what I needed to identify my limiting beliefs and formulate a vision of a more successful and rewarding life path.  Each week, I gained strength and knowledge from the readings and Michele is a firm, but gentle coach, who expects us to live up to our stated goals but is always there to guide and educate.  It was an honor to share perspectives with the other students and that has always been the way that I learn best.  I’m so grateful to Michele for creating a beautiful space to imagine, reflect and redesign my life journey.  One of the teachings that resonated with me was that “the key to success is doing something” because there are no failures, only opportunities for growth.  I felt very stuck in my life prior to the class, but now I feel free to take inspired action in alignment with my goals.  I highly recommend Michele as a teacher and motivational coach.

A serene and peaceful natural landscape

Working with Michele provides the structure and guidance needed to maximize your spiritual life. No matter where you are in your awakening journey, Michele’s support and insights allow you to see and feel more from yourself.

Uniquely Northern Hypnosis

I found Michele and the hybrid hypnosis therapy about 6 months ago after finally asking the Universe for help.  I’d reached a very low point in my life, but kept thinking I could get through it myself. I had been struggling for over a year and couldn’t seem to move beyond the hopelessness, guilt and grief I was feeling. After one hybrid hypnosis session with Michele, I felt instant relief.  The pit in my stomach I’d been carrying around finally subsided.  I was blown away. Friends and family noticed a difference in me immediately. The two sessions I had after that just kept the momentum and I was able to see the light and pull myself out of the darkness.  In the third session I think I laughed the entire time because I was finally feeling so peaceful and happy again.  I told Michele I had no idea that healing could be so fun!

I also attended one of her monthly workshops which continued the process of self love, self growth, self re-creation, awareness and letting go of the past. I remember thinking I could do this every week, so when Michele announced the 8 week Quantum Reality Creation workshop I couldn’t sign up fast enough.  Things were much better for me, but I just felt stuck.  It was exactly what I needed.

In the workshop we discussed that we should always lead with love and not fear and how our ego will always try to protect us which usually means holding us back.  Michelle shared prayers and poems from different cultures and authors around the world, emotional releases, and meditations all to use when things showed up in our daily lives that we normally might struggle to handle. We learned or were reminded that we are creating our own realities and everything in them and that by being present, vibrating at our highest levels, asking for guidance and letting go we could create some pretty magical things. Our group as a whole was a testament to that every week. It was so amazing to watch each other growing, changing and beginning to forgive and love ourselves again…and each other I might add. I really came to care deeply about everyone in the group and couldn’t wait to get to class to hear their success stories from the week. The energy and comradery for each other in every session was just amazing.

I cannot thank Michele enough for all I’ve learned so far on this journey. Her courses are empowering so many people to want to create and live their best lives and have fun while doing it. Just being around her high vibing energy and positivity makes you want to be the best you can be for yourself too.

This is definitely not the end for me… Always more growth and learning to be had! I’ll continue to take workshops as long as Michele keeps offering them!

Embracing Healing and Transformation: The Power of Hybrid Hypnosis and Ho'oponopono

I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for my daughter and for me. Her chronic illness has affected her mental state in a very profound and challenging way. 

She has tried many brain rewiring programs such as DNRS, EMDR etc. To no avail. Then the universe put you in our path, and your wisdom, intuition, patience and compassion have made a world of difference. Finally experiencing progress!! 

We feel so blessed to have met you Michele. You are our earth angel.

If anyone would like more detailed information on our experience, feel free to pass my information on, as I almost feel guilty not sharing you with the world! 


While it is on my mind, I wanted to give you this testimonial. A few weeks ago you gave me a session on the topic of being late. It was a small issue. During the session I saw the connection to the belief, “I can’t have what I want”. We changed the belief to “I can have exactly what I want.”


Well after that session, things have changed for me. I had been magnetizing that I wanted 6 client sessions a week, but nothing was happening. (Before our session I had maybe 1‐2 client appts a week.) Afterwards I have had at least 6 client appointments each week. Treating this small issue changed a belief that was maybe the last keystone in a wall that was ready to crumble. Who knows?

Hypnosis Therapy Carefree Arizona
Madeleine L.

Michele not only is a hypnotist, she is genuinely concerned about her patients. She takes her time to get to know you so that she can help you with any problems or concerns. She is a gentle, caring & intelligent woman who wants to find the solutions for those who come to her.

Hypno Therapist Michele Guy Syne
Dolores T.

Hypnotherapy… What a BIG word it was for me! But that was before meeting Michele. I didn’t really know what to expect at first, and I had in mind people being totally controlled and doing things against their will. So I have to admit I was intrigued, if not a little scared.


Michele reassured me and explained to me how the session was going to happen. She was very respectful and attentive to my needs and well-being. I, then, stayed conscious (though relaxed) the whole time, while the unconscious part of my brain was doing all the internal work. And what a work! Just follow the voice, it can transform a life, if you allow it to: it brought my sparkle back!


Thanks Michele!

Hypnotherapy Online
Aude M.

I am feeling better. The side effects from the medicines have worn off since I am off of them. All because the doctor neglected to ask me 1 important question. Thank you for caring about me. I still have some sleep problems. Some anxiety. But am better, thanks to you. Happy Holidays.

Hypnosis Session For Anxiety In Carefree
Sharleen O.

From our sessions, writing has definitely become easier (I’m working on a blog now about the Secure Act) and I’m finding myself calmer and at peace. It’s strange. Before I would have so much anxiety as I was writing.


My business is definitely not where I want it to be yet, but for some reason, I just have this trust it’s coming. I didn’t business plan on my trip as I could tell my husband needed some one-on-one time with me and caught up on some much-needed reading. I’m planning to do it when it feels right. Hopefully, within the next week, I may just take myself to lunch. I haven’t gotten that surge of inspiration, gut feeling of knowing what’s next for my business. I’m hoping it will come soon.


I’m going to start working with a meditation coach in the new year that my friend highly recommended to me who I was impressed by and just started the book The Power of Now. I’m going to tackle those two things next and go from there.


You helped me more than you know. I’m really enjoying the calm and trust for the first time in a long time…..


Thank you thank you. This e-mail only took me 10 minutes. Pretty good eh? 🙂

Hypnosis Therapy Carefree Arizona
Heather T.

You are going to love this….


Before I left the office on Thursday for the long weekend, I was searching for a good visual of I love you, I’m sorry, Pls forgive me, TY.


I looked at a LOT of them and subconsciously, read them over and over in my head. I found a neat one to make my screensaver on my phone and then locked up for the weekend. I actually UNPLUGGED for the entire 4 days and didn’t look at a single email, I just needed to decompress.


When I got home, I was in such a great mood. I was upbeat, not dragging like I usually am at the end of a long week, and begged my husband to take me out for happy hour! He was pretty surprised, usually, I just want to change clothes, veg with my dogs, and go to bed early. We had a wonderful time together and a very fun evening…. And the entire weekend was much of the same! You told me to watch the magic happen, and it did, how powerful.


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am so excited for the possibilities!!



Testimonial For UniQuely Northern

Good morning Michele,


I am not sure if you remember me but I do recall your amazing presentation in 2013 which inspired me to follow my dream of having my own engineering firm.


As of today, Guide Engineering has been in business for one year and already have 4 employees and few other sub-consultant along with over 90 different projects.


This all started from your amazing presentation in 2013 in NAPEG, as a token of appreciation, I thought to send you a thank you note for your inspiring presentation which marked the day I chose to take control of my career and instead of following ethics of others, made my own standards and ethics.


Once again thank you for that and I hope we can be in touch,

Hypno Therapist Michele Guy Syne
Mahyar M.

Thanks! I really enjoy working with you. I always feel so much better when I’ve been with you.


No piles done today, but a few chores that needed doing before I could focus on the piles. Pile work tomorrow wahoo!


Feels good!

Thank you!

Testimonial For UniQuely Northern

Thank you, Michele. This has been so very helpful and have been using “I love you …” several times already and it is making a difference. So grateful to have been in that session with you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to work to help others heal.


Have an incredible week.


Peace and all good,

Hypnosis Therapy Carefree Arizona

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Now that you are ready to live life as the best version of yourself, get in touch with Michele at UniQuely Northern.


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