You may be saying to yourself, ‘I want opportunities for growth…count me in’. Wait for it! The full claim is actually, ‘EVERY CHALLENGE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH’. The ‘challenge’ provides the opportunity. This truly is how life works, and life and God and the Universe is always working on your behalf. In order for a pearl to grow, a grain of sand must irritate the oyster.  In order for a diamond to become a diamond, it must endure extreme pressure and temperatures. A beautiful lotus flower grows out of the most unfavorable waters.

Some of the most successful people in this world have had to endure extreme hardships. A chiropractor who was an athlete was participating in the cycling portion of triathlon when a Ford Bronco tossed him in the air, and when he landed the truck dragged him another 100 feet before coming to a full stop. The chiropractor’s spine was crushed. His doctors told him that the only solution was surgery with pins and that he may never walk again. The chiropractor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, decided to pursue another option. He meditated. Within 8 weeks he was walking, and within 12 weeks he was back in his office working on patients. He promised God, that if his healing meditation worked, he would dedicate his life to teaching the meditation to others, which he has done.

As you look at your life, in hindsight, can you see that some of your greatest challenges have actually brought blessings into your life? I am an adoptive mother and the first time a birth mother decided to keep the baby which I had been matched with, I was devastated. I felt like I had lost a child. And yet less than six months later I was matched with a new baby, and my son was in my arms. He is now 15 years old, and I cannot imagine having any other child than him in my life.

Look back at your life and see if you can recognize all of the blessings which have come from challenging events. And then the next time you encounter a difficult situation, which you would previously have judged as ‘bad’, welcome it and begin to immediately start look for the gems. We judge situations a ‘good’ or ‘bad’, however they just ‘are’. Look for the messages in the challenges which you experience, as they come up.

I have lived my life saying to God, ‘Bring it on!’ because I know that my challenges are opportunities for growth. I know each challenge gets me closer to being the best version of myself. Practice saying, ‘yes’, and ‘thank you’ to every situation you encounter in life and see how your life expands and grows.

As always, have fun with it!

Mahsi Cho

Michele Guy Syne, P.E., P.Eng., C.Ht., owner of UniQuely Northern, uses the power of the subconscious mind with a Hybrid-HypnosisTM, and other powerful techniques to quickly, and gently release stress, anxiety, painful memories, and emotional trauma to free you up to live a life you love. Contact Michele at Website: uniquelynorthern.com or tel: 480-652-6698.


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