Do you feel like you have tried everything, and nothing seems to work? Diets do not work. Food restriction does not work. Pills don’t work. Exercise doesn’t work. Having excess pounds, being overweight, or being obese plagues over 40% of the United States population. I am here to guide you and put you on your path to health. I will guide you, however, you must walk the path yourself. So, if you are overweight, or struggling with obesity in Cave Creek, take this article to heart, and as you read this information just know that you have now begun your journey to happiness and health.
Your overall emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being are directly affected by your weight. Any disempowering thought that dominates your mind affects your life. Whether you have excess pounds, you are overweight, or if obesity is the issue, you may focus on how you look, how you feel in your clothes, and how you feel in your body. You may be wondering if people are judging you for what you are eating, and for your excess weight. These thoughts may cause stress and exacerbate an already challenging situation and train your mind to think that obesity is impossible to defeat.
Unfortunately, the terms overweight and obesity may also be subjected to social stigma and discrimination. All these factors create a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to achieving your ideal weight and getting your life back.
Are you committed to change? Are you resolved to do what it takes to let go of what does not serve you? There will be lifestyle changes. You will gain knowledge that you didn’t know you needed. There will be hypnosis. There will be emotional releases. There will be fun. And there will be Joy!
The possibilities are Infinite!
Now that you are ready, schedule a Hybrid HypnosisTM Intake Session in Cave Creek. If you are in Cave Creek or nearby, you can see Michele in person. However, you are also free to participate in Zoom call session, which are just as powerful.
During your Intake Session you will experience your first emotional release. In subsequent sessions, and with each release you will open more, and more to your core self…your true essence. This will allow you to get back to enjoying your life with Ease and Grace.
Michele’s proprietary Hybrid HypnosisTM in Cave Creek allows her to access your subconscious mind and ask it to rewire trauma, painful memories, challenging events, or relationships. The emotional states which may be causing you discomfort, physically, mentally, or both can be accessed by the subconscious mind and treated so that they no longer get in the way of your ability to live your life in peace.