Maximizing your Enjoyment this Holiday Season

As we enter the Holiday Season, there is much anticipation as we plan to spend time with our families and friends. Here are 6 suggestions to consider in order to maximize everyone’s enjoyment throughout the holidays and into the New Year.

1. ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly!’

As we prepare for this Holiday Season, let’s keep in mind what it is truly all about. Let us remember all of the Blessings in our lives and the Joy of spending special quality time with our families and friends…our Loved Ones. Take the time to make wonderful memories.

2. ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’

Keep in mind that there may be others who may not have friends and family nearby. Consider opening your home and your heart to someone who would otherwise be alone. We have many elderly in our community who would love open arms and some holiday cheer.

3. Many Hands Make Light Work.

We often put ourselves under a lot of pressure as we prepare to entertain and host events, dinners, and social gatherings. And it’s a lot of work. So why not delegate some of the many tasks and logistics to friends, family, and team members! This allows others to participate and contribute. This lightens your load, and it also brings them great Joy. AND the more the Merrier!

4. Eat, Drink, and be Merry… in Moderation!

Eat the right foods, eat reasonable portions, drink lots of water, and try to go to bed by midnight. Over-indulgence is a possibility with all of the parties, local events, social gatherings, and family dinners. Keep in mind that over-indulgence can weaken our body’s immune system. Therefore, why not pace yourself, so that you can stay healthy and vibrant over the Holidays.

5. Om!

Take time each day to stop the world and clear your mind of the noise, the chatter, the social media, emails and telephone calls. Know that Airplane Mode works not only on airplanes. Take time for your Self to nourish and replenish your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Meditate, take a walk, take a hike, go running, play golf, play tennis, or simply sit outside in the sun. Take time out for your Self each day.

6. Trust is the Process!

If things do not go as anticipated, try to simply go with the Flow. Control is a Myth! Often, our most fond memories result from situations that did not go as planned! The Divine has a fantastic sense of Humor. Focus on what is important and let go of the rest.

And most of all…Have Fun, Laugh Lots, and Love even more…

I wish you all Blessings, Peace, and Love for this Holiday Season! Mahsi Cho

Michele Guy Syne, P.E., P.Eng., C.Ht.
Owner of UniQuely Northern, uses the power of the subconscious mind with Hybrid-Hypnosis™ and other powerful techniques to quickly and gently release stress, anxiety, painful memories, and emotional trauma. Michele offers in-person and Zoom sessions from her office in Carefree.
Website: | Tel: 480-652-6698


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