Learn the four steps you must take to make your wishes come true.
“Dear Lord, thank you for the smiles on our faces, and the love in our hearts and all the Magic and Miracles, Amen” This was a prayer which I wrote and recited to my son as I tucked him into bed each night for the first 10 years of his life.
I didn’t realize at the time how powerful this prayer was. It was only in hindsight I recognized that indeed we were living in the Magic and Miracles. Once I realized what I was creating, I became passionate about sharing this way of life with as many people as possible
We have been brainwashed to believe that Miracles are only created by saints, and Magic, by magicians. This is not the case. I have proven through my own experience that you do not have to be a saint or a magician to create Magic and Miracles, and to live in what I refer to as the Quantum.
My new book, ‘Magic and Miracles: How to Live in the Quantum Where All Possibilities Exist’, coming out in mid-2025 provides a treatise on how to live in the Quantum reality. In it, I walk you through the steps you must take to truly live in the Quantum. You will learn tools to empower you on your Journey, and I will share examples of the Magic and Miracles which I have created in my own life.
‘Magic’ by definition is ‘the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces’. And a ‘Miracle’ is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency’. And that tells you everything you need to know. Jesus said it as well. In the bible, he stated that whatever he did, we can do as well. We simply must learn how.
“The whole world is a series of miracles, but we are so used to them that we call them ordinary things.”
Hans Christian Anderson
Are you interested in learning how to create Magic and Miracles in your life? Would you like to tap into the Quantum reality where all possibilities exist? Well, you have come to the right place.
“For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who don’t believe, no words are possible.”
Stuart Chase
In the fairy tales, the Genie says, ‘your wish is my command’. Note that the Genie is not a force outside of you. You are the Genie, and your ‘wish’ comes true through ‘divine agency’, or ‘supernatural forces’ based on the thoughts you think, and what you wish for. So, I ask you, do you have to understand how this works, or is it enough to simply know that it works? I would say that to start, let it simply be enough to know that it works. Put it into practice and prove to yourself that you can have your wishes come true. Later on, if you are still curious about how it actually works, you can take a trip down that rabbit hole. In this article I am simply going to walk you through the steps you must take to live life on your own terms and live the life of your Dreams.
There are no ordinary moments.
When we really stop the world and are truly present, we tap into an awareness of the underlying Truth of life. When we approach life with Intention, we connect in a way that creates Magic and creates Miracles. So why does is appear to us as if this state is only available to others, or why do we feel like it is poppy cock.
Some people live difficult lives. They experience sickness, anxiety, stress, disease, 40-hour work weeks, lack, anger, shame and so many other negative and disempowering situations, events, and emotions. So how can I possibly be talking about Magic and Miracles as if they are ‘ordinary things’. Because they are! William Shakespeare understood this. I would rephrase his basic question by stating, ‘ To Believe, or not to Believe.’ That is really what is at issue here. Know that whatever you believe is true for you. So, you must trust, know, and believe that Magic and Miracles are real and possible for you.
It is really quite simple!
So I know you are asking, ‘how can I live in the Magic and Miracles?’ I am only going to remind you of what you already intuitively know. You must live in the quantum where all possibilities exist and get access to what you want from life.
Here is what you MUST DO to live in the Quantum:
- Start with the end in mind: It is imperative that you decide what you want. This may sound obvious, however, some of us just glide through life letting it take us where it leads, rather than being proactive about what we want. What is it that you want to create? What is your wish? Write it down.
- See and feel the wish fulfilled: Close your eyes and see and feel what it will feel like when your wish comes true. Imagine exactly how you will feel and how your life will be when this wish comes true.
- Trust and Surrender: Trust that your wish will come true and then surrender to the process. Live from the place of knowing that your wish has come true. Believe. Be excited. Surrender your wish to the divine agency.
- It is the Journey, not the Destination: Now go about your life as you normally would. The only difference is that you are now excited about having fulfilled our wish and you are living as an entirely new person in an entirely new reality.
Just as importantly, here is what you MUST NOT DO:
- The ‘how’ is not your job. Do not think about all of the things which you think you should do to make your wish come true. If you do this, inevitably all of the barriers to having what you want will become apparent. You do not have to ‘do’ anything except take the four steps above. The supernatural forces have access to infinite ways in which your miracle can come true. So, allow them to do their work on your behalf.
Our human mind has limited access to possibilities and most of these possibilities will be based on what we ‘see’ as our current reality. When magic happens, it happens in such a way as to completely surprise us, so let the supernatural forces do their work.
So now you know two very important things required in order for you to access Magic and Miracles. You must believe that they are possible, and you must live in the present moment.
“Life is either an exciting adventure, or nothing at all!”
Helen Keller
Each of us has a vision of something we would like to do, or something we want for ourselves. Einstein said that our imaginations are our view of life’s coming attractions. Therefore, if you can imagine it, it can be true for you if you heed my advisement. And yet, we often limit ourselves. We accept or settle because there is no apparent discomfort. However, just like the absence of sickness, is not health. The absence of pain is not pleasure. There is so much more than just accepting the status quo. There is joy, excitement, and there is adventure.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Are you willing to change the way you look at things? We create our own realities in every moment of every day. And the funny thing is that when we do create something we want, we often dismiss it as chance, or coincidence. Winston Churchill said “Man will occasionally stumble over the Truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on”. We stumble across the ‘Truth’ every day and yet we don’t acknowledge that we are the ones who created it and carry on with business as usual.
“You cannot sleepwalk your way into your destiny. You must wake up and pay attention.”
David Whyte
We live in the best time in history to live the lives of our dreams; the lives we have envisioned for ourselves! So why is not so easy to create Magic and Miracles. Why is it not so easy to make our dreams come true? There are as many reasons, I am sure, as there are possibilities for why these simple steps are not so easy to follow. However, do not dismay. In my new book, I will address the key reasons and provide you with tools to support you in your success in achieving your desired outcomes.
The most apparent reason why we are not all living in the Quantum is because this way of life was not taught to us in school, or by our parents. And therefore, it is like learning a new language. We must learn a new way of communicating with ourselves and with the world. We must learn how to create what you want in your life, and be happy, feel good, experience joy and wake up each morning excited about the day ahead.
It is simple, but not easy!
My scientific background as an engineer led me to become fascinated with the power of the subconscious mind and its unlimited potential. The subconscious mind is equivalent to our autopilot…like the autopilot on a plane. Though we may take off and say that we want to go to Nassau, Bahamas with our conscious mind, our subconscious mind is like a programmed autopilot, which based on our past experiences and beliefs, may have us destined for Pocatello, Idaho.
In this day and age, it is easy to become prey to information overload. You plan your day and…oh! here comes life…and social media… and lunch engagements, cell phone calls, and texts, and there goes your day…right out the window. You want to make changes in your life. You want to take time for yourself and remain present. You say you can’t find the time. HINT: You will never ‘find’ the time. You must make the time for what is important to you.
And then there are the 60,000 thoughts we think each day. But aren’t these thoughts the same thoughts we thought yesterday? And since thoughts create things, aren’t we recreating the same old, same old? This is another reason to stay present. No one wants to live a default life wherein today looks like yesterday, tomorrow looks like today, and the rest of our lives looks like more of the same. We often live our lives through the lens of the past, and therefore our future is predetermined, unless we make a radical change in our perspective, and therefore our approach. So, what I see for you is that you start every day as if it is the first day of the rest of your life (which it is) and decide to live your life to its fullest, and to do so powerfully.
You must change your beliefs. You must trust, allow, surrender, and know that you are far more powerful than you have been led to believe. You must stay in a trusting, empowered, and excited state as you go through your day. You must live the life you have imagined for yourself and simply enjoy the Magic and Miracles as they unfold. There are no ordinary moments, so savor the Journey!
Michele Guy Syne, C.Ht., P.E., P.Eng, is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and Professional Engineer in both the United States and Canada. She supports forward-thinking men and women in substantially improving the quality of their lives by accessing the power of their subconscious minds. Using her proprietary Hybrid-HypnosisTM Technique her clients benefit from faster-than-usual results. In her work she focuses on Emotional, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health and Well-Being. Subscribe to Michele’s email list to be notified when her new book is released and Book a Complimentary Discovery Call with Michele to get started on your Journey.
Learn the four steps you must take to make your wishes come true.
“Dear Lord, thank you for the smiles on our faces, and the love in our hearts and all the Magic and Miracles, Amen” This was a prayer which I wrote and recited to my son as I tucked him into bed each night for the first 10 years of his life.
I didn’t realize at the time how powerful this prayer was. It was only in hindsight I recognized that indeed we were living in the Magic and Miracles. Once I realized what I was creating, I became passionate about sharing this way of life with as many people as possible
We have been brainwashed to believe that Miracles are only created by saints, and Magic, by magicians. This is not the case. I have proven through my own experience that you do not have to be a saint or a magician to create Magic and Miracles, and to live in what I refer to as the Quantum.
My new book, ‘Magic and Miracles: How to Live in the Quantum Where All Possibilities Exist’, coming out in mid-2025 provides a treatise on how to live in the Quantum reality. In it, I walk you through the steps you must take to truly live in the Quantum. You will learn tools to empower you on your Journey, and I will share examples of the Magic and Miracles which I have created in my own life.
‘Magic’ by definition is ‘the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces’. And a ‘Miracle’ is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency’. And that tells you everything you need to know. Jesus said it as well. In the bible, he stated that whatever he did, we can do as well. We simply must learn how.
“The whole world is a series of miracles, but we are so used to them that we call them ordinary things.”
Hans Christian Anderson
Are you interested in learning how to create Magic and Miracles in your life? Would you like to tap into the Quantum reality where all possibilities exist? Well, you have come to the right place.
“For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who don’t believe, no words are possible.”
Stuart Chase
In the fairy tales, the Genie says, ‘your wish is my command’. Note that the Genie is not a force outside of you. You are the Genie, and your ‘wish’ comes true through ‘divine agency’, or ‘supernatural forces’ based on the thoughts you think, and what you wish for. So, I ask you, do you have to understand how this works, or is it enough to simply know that it works? I would say that to start, let it simply be enough to know that it works. Put it into practice and prove to yourself that you can have your wishes come true. Later on, if you are still curious about how it actually works, you can take a trip down that rabbit hole. In this article I am simply going to walk you through the steps you must take to live life on your own terms and live the life of your Dreams.
There are no ordinary moments.
When we really stop the world and are truly present, we tap into an awareness of the underlying Truth of life. When we approach life with Intention, we connect in a way that creates Magic and creates Miracles. So why does is appear to us as if this state is only available to others, or why do we feel like it is poppy cock.
Some people live difficult lives. They experience sickness, anxiety, stress, disease, 40-hour work weeks, lack, anger, shame and so many other negative and disempowering situations, events, and emotions. So how can I possibly be talking about Magic and Miracles as if they are ‘ordinary things’. Because they are! William Shakespeare understood this. I would rephrase his basic question by stating, ‘ To Believe, or not to Believe.’ That is really what is at issue here. Know that whatever you believe is true for you. So, you must trust, know, and believe that Magic and Miracles are real and possible for you.
It is really quite simple!
So I know you are asking, ‘how can I live in the Magic and Miracles?’ I am only going to remind you of what you already intuitively know. You must live in the quantum where all possibilities exist and get access to what you want from life.
Here is what you MUST DO to live in the Quantum:
- Start with the end in mind: It is imperative that you decide what you want. This may sound obvious, however, some of us just glide through life letting it take us where it leads, rather than being proactive about what we want. What is it that you want to create? What is your wish? Write it down.
- See and feel the wish fulfilled: Close your eyes and see and feel what it will feel like when your wish comes true. Imagine exactly how you will feel and how your life will be when this wish comes true.
- Trust and Surrender: Trust that your wish will come true and then surrender to the process. Live from the place of knowing that your wish has come true. Believe. Be excited. Surrender your wish to the divine agency.
- It is the Journey, not the Destination: Now go about your life as you normally would. The only difference is that you are now excited about having fulfilled our wish and you are living as an entirely new person in an entirely new reality.
Just as importantly, here is what you MUST NOT DO:
- The ‘how’ is not your job. Do not think about all of the things which you think you should do to make your wish come true. If you do this, inevitably all of the barriers to having what you want will become apparent. You do not have to ‘do’ anything except take the four steps above. The supernatural forces have access to infinite ways in which your miracle can come true. So, allow them to do their work on your behalf.
Our human mind has limited access to possibilities and most of these possibilities will be based on what we ‘see’ as our current reality. When magic happens, it happens in such a way as to completely surprise us, so let the supernatural forces do their work.
So now you know two very important things required in order for you to access Magic and Miracles. You must believe that they are possible, and you must live in the present moment.
“Life is either an exciting adventure, or nothing at all!”
Helen Keller
Each of us has a vision of something we would like to do, or something we want for ourselves. Einstein said that our imaginations are our view of life’s coming attractions. Therefore, if you can imagine it, it can be true for you if you heed my advisement. And yet, we often limit ourselves. We accept or settle because there is no apparent discomfort. However, just like the absence of sickness, is not health. The absence of pain is not pleasure. There is so much more than just accepting the status quo. There is joy, excitement, and there is adventure.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Are you willing to change the way you look at things? We create our own realities in every moment of every day. And the funny thing is that when we do create something we want, we often dismiss it as chance, or coincidence. Winston Churchill said “Man will occasionally stumble over the Truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on”. We stumble across the ‘Truth’ every day and yet we don’t acknowledge that we are the ones who created it and carry on with business as usual.
“You cannot sleepwalk your way into your destiny. You must wake up and pay attention.”
David Whyte
We live in the best time in history to live the lives of our dreams; the lives we have envisioned for ourselves! So why is not so easy to create Magic and Miracles. Why is it not so easy to make our dreams come true? There are as many reasons, I am sure, as there are possibilities for why these simple steps are not so easy to follow. However, do not dismay. In my new book, I will address the key reasons and provide you with tools to support you in your success in achieving your desired outcomes.
The most apparent reason why we are not all living in the Quantum is because this way of life was not taught to us in school, or by our parents. And therefore, it is like learning a new language. We must learn a new way of communicating with ourselves and with the world. We must learn how to create what you want in your life, and be happy, feel good, experience joy and wake up each morning excited about the day ahead.
It is simple, but not easy!
My scientific background as an engineer led me to become fascinated with the power of the subconscious mind and its unlimited potential. The subconscious mind is equivalent to our autopilot…like the autopilot on a plane. Though we may take off and say that we want to go to Nassau, Bahamas with our conscious mind, our subconscious mind is like a programmed autopilot, which based on our past experiences and beliefs, may have us destined for Pocatello, Idaho.
In this day and age, it is easy to become prey to information overload. You plan your day and…oh! here comes life…and social media… and lunch engagements, cell phone calls, and texts, and there goes your day…right out the window. You want to make changes in your life. You want to take time for yourself and remain present. You say you can’t find the time. HINT: You will never ‘find’ the time. You must make the time for what is important to you.
And then there are the 60,000 thoughts we think each day. But aren’t these thoughts the same thoughts we thought yesterday? And since thoughts create things, aren’t we recreating the same old, same old? This is another reason to stay present. No one wants to live a default life wherein today looks like yesterday, tomorrow looks like today, and the rest of our lives looks like more of the same. We often live our lives through the lens of the past, and therefore our future is predetermined, unless we make a radical change in our perspective, and therefore our approach. So, what I see for you is that you start every day as if it is the first day of the rest of your life (which it is) and decide to live your life to its fullest, and to do so powerfully.
You must change your beliefs. You must trust, allow, surrender, and know that you are far more powerful than you have been led to believe. You must stay in a trusting, empowered, and excited state as you go through your day. You must live the life you have imagined for yourself and simply enjoy the Magic and Miracles as they unfold. There are no ordinary moments, so savor the Journey!

Michele Guy Syne, C.Ht., P.E., P.Eng, is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and Professional Engineer in both the United States and Canada. She supports forward-thinking men and women in substantially improving the quality of their lives by accessing the power of their subconscious minds. Using her proprietary Hybrid-HypnosisTM Technique her clients benefit from faster-than-usual results. In her work she focuses on Emotional, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health and Well-Being. Subscribe to Michele’s email list to be notified when her new book is released and Book a Complimentary Discovery Call with Michele to get started on your Journey.