THE SYMPTOMS: The alcohol consumption, the depression, the smoking, the over-eating, the disease, the lack of self-esteem…whatever habitsyou have that disempoweryou are all signs which are being sent to you from your minds, bodies, and souls to tell you that you are holding onto something that does not serve you. It can be a painful memory, a trauma, or an accident that is underlying your physical pain, your disease, or your self-medication.

THE CHALLENGE: The challenge is that sometimes youdo not know the cause of your emotional, or physical pain. Human Beings have an amazing capacity to withstand pain, and suffering. Youmay bury negative emotional memories in parts of your psychein order to protect your mental health. Unlessyou get treatment and therapy to release these memories they will ‘show up’ as physical pain, disease, self-medication, anxiety, andworry, in ways that harm your overall health and well-being.

THE SOLUTION: For those of you who are committed to transforming your life, and know that it’s possible to be free of pain, and worry, and shame, and guilt, or whatever is not serving you, then there are many powerful tools which can be used to eliminate the origin of the mental anguish, and free you up to live a life of Joy, and Happiness, and Peace, and Love. Of the many tools I have studied, the one with which I have had the most success is HYBRID HYPNOSIS THERAPY and TREATMENT.

HYBRID HYPNOSIS taps into the power of your subconscious mind to reprogram it to do the things you want it to do. You want to eat healthy foods, you want to meditate instead of worrying, and you want to exercise instead of eating. This THERAPY accesses that part of your psyche which knows everything about you and has all the answers for you. When you ask your psyche to treat a trauma or painful memory, it knows exactly what to do, and it does it. HYBRID HYPNOSIS TREATMENT is a way to stop the world, to calm your mind, and to connect with God, or Spirit, or the Universal Mind. Treatmentis done in a quiet room with soft music playing. It is as easy and as therapeutic as taking a walk in the desert, having a talk with a good friend, or taking a bike ride with your child.

If you believe that all things are possible, then there are no limits to whoyou can be in yourlife. IT CAN BE ANOTHER WAY! Soget excited about the possibilities that will open up for you when you use Hybrid Hypnosis and are then  able to find your Joy!  Mahsi Cho

Michele Guy Syne is a Hybrid Hypnosis Therapist, and Instructor. Her HybridHypnosis is the quickest treatment she has foundforremovingthe physical, and emotional blockswhich you may have. Michele offers private sessions in her office andonline.Contact Michele at 480-652-6698 to find about which one of her Programs will work best for you.


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