You create your own reality! You create everything that happens to you and for you. AND what is beautiful about this is that there are NO LIMITS to what is possible for you!
Here are some more details you will want to know:
- Your Program donation is $444.44.
- We will meet each Tuesday from 6-8 pm for eight consecutive weeks starting March 26th through May 14th.
- We will meet at my home in Cave Creek.
- Included in the Program will be a copy of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention.
- Included in the Program will be a Journal for you to write your dreams, desires, insights, and take notes on the tools you will learn, and use as you move forward.
The power of working in a group cannot be overstated. What we will be able to achieve as a group will astonish you. And you will develop life-long connections, bonds, and friendships.
Be open to trusting, sharing and allowing your Spirit to soar! I am so excited for you, for me and for everyone who joins us on this Journey.
If you are one of the first five (5) group members to join, you will be offered a 30-minute Complimentary Hybrid-Hypnosis Zoom Session with me. (Blessings!)