‘Everybody Wins’ means that a ‘win-win’ situation is created which produces a mutually beneficial outcome for two or more parties. You may ask yourself, ‘Is this really possible?’ Well, I say emphatically, YES! However, often in our society, starting from when we were children we are pitted against each other. We are taught to compete...Read More
What keeps you from being great in your life? What keeps you from doing that thing that you really want to do? What keeps you from showing up? For me, it was PERFECTION. I have been a perfectionist all of my life and what I am now learning is that this has kept me from...Read More
You may be saying to yourself, ‘I want opportunities for growth…count me in’. Wait for it! The full claim is actually, ‘EVERY CHALLENGE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH’. The ‘challenge’ provides the opportunity. This truly is how life works, and life and God and the Universe is always working on your behalf. In order for...Read More
As we enter the Holiday Season, there is much anticipation as we plan to spend time with our families and friends. Here are 6 suggestions to consider in order to maximize everyone’s enjoyment throughout the holidays and into the New Year. 1. ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly!’ As we prepare for this Holiday Season,...Read More